Monolingualism is thus rarely the subject of scholarly publications as it is viewed to be an unmarked or prototypical concept where it has the sense of being normal and multilingualism is the exception. This statement reflects the traditional assumption that linguistic theories often take on: that monolingualism is the norm. Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. For example, the Oxford Dictionary is a monolingual English dictionary. A language branch is a newer, or less commonly spoken language that has a older 'parent language'. Meanings & definitions of words in Learner English with examples, synonyms, pronunciations and translations. Romaine pointed out in her book Bilingualism that it would be weird to find a book titled Monolingualism. A monolingual dictionary is a dictionary that defines words of the language in that language. The most popular dictionary and thesaurus. On this site, you can look French words up in an English dictionary, or look up English words in a French dictionary, or you can read the monolingual dictionary entries in English or French. Monolingual speakers are outnumbered by multilingual speakers in the world's population. Monolingual definition: Of or in one language. Sites such as use the Japanese-English bilingual dictionary known as JMdict (English). The Kjien () is a monolingual Japanese dictionary.

For example, the Oxford Dictionary is a monolingual English dictionary.

Note that monoglottism can only refer to not having the ability to speak several languages. You can choose from English to French translation dictionaries, French to English translation dictionaries, and monolingual (French-French or English-English) dictionaries. A monolingual dictionary is a dictionary that defines words of the language in that language. checking the correct usage of a word or looking up the most natural word combinations, to scientific use, e.g.

individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being 'there was too much for one person to do'. The corpus is usually tagged for parts of speech and is used by a wide range of users for various tasks from highly practical ones, e.g. monolingual - a person who knows only one language. Monolingual or unilingual is also said of a text, dictionary, or conversation written or conducted in only one language, and of an entity in or at which a single language is either used or officially recognized. A monolingual corpus is the most frequent type of corpus. In a different context "unilingualism" may refer to a language policy which enforces an official or national language over others. Until the recent influx of immigrants, this was a completely monolingual community.Hasta la afluencia reciente de inmigrantes, esta era una comunidad completamente monolingüe. Monoglottism or, more commonly, monolingualism or unilingualism is the condition of being able to speak only a single language, as compared to multilingualism. Freebase Rate this definition: 5.0 / 1 vote